Is it cruel to have chickens if they can't free range?

I always feel sorry for chickens in bare-nekked runs that are packed and slimey...but I've never once noticed a chicken in a run moping around and feeling sorry for itself. If I were a chicken, I'm sure I would enjoy free ranging more than run life, but chickens~blessedly~cannot feel regret over their circumstances. They just eat, poop, drink, poop, scratch and peck, poop...well, you get the picture.

If I had to confine mine to a run, I'd just make sure they have plenty of shade in the summer, a windblock in the winter, dry ground underfoot, a place to dust and a place to hide, plenty of interesting things to eat.
Mine are confined to a run.... now. Winter's coming. Personal choice. For example, cats love to be outside yet many of us keep house-cats to protect them from the dangers of the outside world. They'll adjust. Just love them and do your best.
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I don't think it's a problem provided that the run is big enough and they get some access to green stuff.

My run is 32x20 ft and i have 14 birds. I give them greens everyday, and in the spring I plan to make a "chicken salad bar" for them in part of the run. I just need to find stuff that will grow in the shade since the area doesn't get much direct sun. I don't think the chickens mind as long as they are not used to having complete freedom. It's all about managing expectations
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I would say it depends on the chicken. Some are hawk magnets because of color or have feathering that makes it hard for them to see predators. Those types I might not freerange anyway. Some chickens handle confinement much better than others. I think it's fine if you have a chicken adapted to it.
Our run is 15x30. We have lots of "toys"
Old stairs, a ladder, a sandbox, old logs.
They don't know the difference. Except
the predators can't get to them!
One thing we did was build a tractor in addition to their run. When I'm home I shuttle them all over the yard, and they make excited travelling noises as I move it along. Almost everyone in our neighborhood stops to talk to them, and the chickens talk right back. I'd love to free range them, but we have a huge number of coyotes right near by. The only thing is our roosters aren't always happy with the status quo, and will gaze into the distance longingly while the hens are happy as could be. They have a good life though, and are busy, curious little characters. I don't know what I'd do without them!
I keep my 'birds' in a sheltered run 99% of the time... I do let them out every once in awhile under strict supervision(I live in a city with very close neighbors, some who don't like the idea of back yard chickens). the run is 12 x 5 with a duck house on the left and a chicken house on the right... right now I have too many birds in their but after this weekend it will have 4 chickens and 3 ducks... I have added a couple small roosts and thinking about adding another one across the 5 feet and about 3 feet off the ground... it that too high for a leghorn and some sex-links? they also like to roost on top of the chicken house...
I love your idea! We had a house just like that and we are about 50% done converting it into a full inclosed chicken house. I wish I would have seen yoru picture before, that would have been much easier to do!

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