is it ever ok?


8 Years
Feb 5, 2011
im sure many people will see this as a terrable thing to wonder or ask.

is it ever ok for a person to just give up and throw in the towel? i mean like with dogs and cats when we know they will not have a full happy life we do away with them becuase its "better" for them.
well what if we as people exhuast all our options and we have nothing and we are never going to be mentally happy or have a full or happy life is it ever ethical or ok to know.

why is it ok for animals but not ok for people?

im sorry just a floating thought i had to ask the worlds opinions of...
Because we dont know the feature. We dont know if one day that person may be happy, and have a wonderful life ahead of them. SO if we just stop a life because some one feels like giving up, then we (and that person) will never know what there feature life would have been. Good or Bad, its what we make it. I hope life will get better for you! And that you will be able to enjoy it to the full!!!!


Chicken Girl
Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about throwing in the towel on someone else or is it okay to give up on oneself? Are we talking because of mental/emotional etc troubles, or are we talking comatose no chance of recovery?
And, what is throwing in the towel? Do we mean by ending a life or just not trying anymore to improve that life?
In my view, God gave us dominion over animals, which gives us the choice of ending an animal's life if we see fit. Ie, suffering, for food, etc. But only God has control of human life. We have no say in ending someone's life, from conception to natural death. That is still God's business, He has made that clear in the Commandments.
Good questiion! In my opinion there is a GREAT difference between l 'life' and 'quality of life'. I have had friends go through slow, inevitable, painful deaths - was this humane?? How do you make the decision, and who would monitor the situation to assure that the 'decision making process' was not abused? The Princess and I have living wills, and our son is in charge of these documents because our daughter could not make the decision. In her words, "You would remain hooked up to the machines as long as there was electricity." I don't want to exit life in that manner.
If you are talking about suicide then no it isn't OK,because people have made it a social and religious taboo even if you are suffering till illness kills you.

Important for everyone to draw up legal documents letting others know what they want in the event that they are unable to state their wishes following illness/injury.

Very sad to read of cases where a parent kills a spouse and all children saying they would be better off dead.THAT is never OK.

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