Is It Flo Or Floyd!!!!!!!!pics.

That's so funny, our chickens love watermelon too.

I'm new to all of this but your BO looks like mine. My roo is 4 1/2 months and that's a picture of him in my avatar. Mine has feathers like yours but the comb and wattles are smaller like one of my hens. But I still think it's a rooster because of the feathers.

They are sooo pretty!

Also, Bob started crowing last week and mating this week....I'm starting to wonder if he's a little bit older??? I bought him when he was 2 weeks old.
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LOL yeah 99% accurate when you buy pullets so theres the 1% I really like him but I cant have him in town my neighbors probable dont like the noise but im at work all day so I have never heard him crow yet and havent had no complaints yet but dont want to jepordise getting in trouble and having to get rid of all of them.

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