Is it harmful for hen to stay broody?


15 Years
Mar 10, 2008
Asheville, NC
I have 2 Black Star & 1 Leghorn that consistently lay eggs daily and 1 little banty hen that stays in the henhouse, sitting on their eggs, daily. I know she comes out and eats and drinks but my question is this:

Will it harm her to stay broody? I have tried a couple of times to push her out into the coop, but the Black Star's really pick on her (I think it's because they have to push her off the nests to lay). I gather the eggs daily.

I think its just natures way. This past spring i had a broody cochin that layed on an empty nest for 3 months, she just wouldn't give up when i wanted her to. You just have to let nature take its course and let the hen come out of it when she wants to unless you want her to hatch some chicks for ya?
Some banties can be real persistant about sitting. You can try putting her in a wire bottom cage until her hormones calm down. Some say to put a bag of ice under her. Some just keep taking the broody off the nest. what works best for me with the real persistant ones if to let them sit an egg or 2 for the 21 days and take the chicks away after a few days and put them in a brooder. I have had hens stay broody for 2 months, they just don't give up. So by giving them an egg or 2 and letting them do their thing for 21 days actually gets them back to laying quicker than fighting with mother nature. A broody hen who just won't give up will become thin and haggard.

I named her "Miss Prissy" and think I doomed her to being broody! It's so late in the season I am wondering about baby chicks. I'm not really set up for babies as I work full time out of the home and don't have an area in the coop to separate them from the big birds. However, I may try anyway. She's such a fuss-budget anyway.... squawks if you look at her sideways!! She ruled the roost until the Black Stars started laying and now I guess they said "why are we letting this little pipsqueak tell us what to do?"!!

Appreciate all the advise. Thanks again.

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