is it healthy to feed chickens just scratch and feed


Jun 2, 2020
i looked up the best thing to feed chickens and it was scratch and feed layer 16%. just wanted to know if its healthy for them to just eat this.
Feed daily:
Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 6.51.25 AM.png
Feed daily:
Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 6.50.52 AM.png

Feed only as a treat or in a VERY SMALL AMOUNT daily:
Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 6.49.49 AM.png

theres this brand of feed called scratch and feed and its supposedly everything in
If you mean "scratch" as in cracked corn mix then it should only be fed as a treat every once in a while. Or *very little* each day. (Corn turns into sugar and can make your birds obese.)
If you are talking about "crumble" as in layer crumbles or layer pellets then yes, you can feed crumble and pellets daily.
pellets but in its unprosessed form like seeds and bugs and stuff

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