Is it just me......

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We should be able to block certain categories of new posts, like how facebook lets you "hide" or "unsubscribe" from game announcements and feeds.
I agree SpeckledHen has a point there...I don't go into the game threads at all anymore. Sure we welcome all kids of any age to come in here but the "cocky" or "know it all" "parents wont let me" the P*TA kind of thing would turn me off. I have to remember I used to be THAT age.........
I think we should encourage youth to get involved with chickens..............
should we just let it die out?

I agree!

Life isn't just about chickens. This website provides several community forums because they give members an opportunity to engage in conversation about other topics. That keeps people interested in the site and helps the search engine ranking to improve and that pulls in new people.

If this encourages young people to participate and have an opportunity to learn about poultry, that's good.
You can collapse entire sections of the forum by using the gray minus sign, if you like. I never use the New Posts thing-I just go to whatever section I'm interested in, therefore, I don't see a section I don't wish to see, like Family or Games or Meat Birds or Whatever...
I think it's because kids are online allot, (facebook & the thing with the bird) so they will naturally find new sites. This one, being a surprisingly popular site now days, is hard to miss. And if they have chickens (which is spreading like wildfire) well then there you go.......But most people on BYC now, I think are between 20-40 (or at least they seem to be.....) And what age do you consider members as 'kids'? I know many of our older member could refer to a 30 year old as a kid.....or are we literally speaking kids as in 10 year olds.

The way allot of people even find this site, is by searching a simple chicken question. The results for the search often include many links to BYC. They click on it, after they get what they need, they explore BYC, realize that they like it, and join.

I do also think that allot of the older members have left because of the technical things. This site is only more efficient if you know how to use it, and if your computer is somewhat fast. But they haven't really left, they still come on here, but just not as much, and they aren't as commercial or "postie" as they were before. I think this was because of the site change, but if you really think about it, the site upgrade was inevitable.
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I just joined BYC last night ....I am 36 and female just starting my first flock of laying hens ......I have fallen in love with having chickens and really like this site it has helped answer a lot of questions for me.....
I'm one of the "OLD" ones here.

I just don't frequent the "games" section.

Next month I'll have been here for FOUR years.

On Wednesday it will be four years from the date I started back up with chickens.
I am "old" too, and the reason I haven't been posting as much lately is because sometimes life gives one a gut kick and we need to take care of things. I absolutely WANT to see young people here, learning how to raise and love chickens and if that means they play a few silly games, then so be it. Us old farts know that the youth out there is the future of the world, and we WANT more chicken lovers.

Be patient, holler your smart alec comments to the screen and be encouraging here to the newbies and youth.
Me too, as old as the hills. Also too old, OP, to refer to young people as a 'bunch of kids'.

This is a better way to see the next generations that follow us:

"Greatest Love Of All"

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Indulge yourselves with this

and encourage young people to do all that we did and things that we never could.
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