Is it moral to eat meat? ***Constructive Discussion ONLY***

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Well, I didn't read the entire post, so I appologize if this is a repeat, but here are my thoughts.
- As far back as time, humans have hunted and ate meat. Sometimes veggies were not in abundance, and only meat was consumed. It was survival of the fittest. As we evolved, vegetables became more and more a part of our culture. This, I believe, is the basis of our being. Could you imagine a vegetarian Native American? Or a vegetarian Viking? What about a vegetarian Pharoah?

- That being said, I am in fact mostly vegetarian. I eat no red meat, no pork, no dark meat poultry. I do eat boneless, skinless chicken breast, white meat turkey, fat free ham, eggs and cheese. I do not, nor have I ever condemned anyone for their preference, and in my case, it is simply a taste issue. I am extremely picky! I will not go to a restaurant and try a new dish, unless I know each item in it. It's kinda sad, I admit. But, that's just how I am.

- I do not hunt, I do not kill my own birds, but I will eat their eggs. Again, my personal preference only. I do read how to cull birds, if I need to do it, but I choose not to raise broilers, pigs, or any other slaughter animals. I do like to read about everyone else's, and in my mind, I wonder if I could do it, but I don't think I could. I would love to though, as it would be much healthier for me and my family. You cannot begin to imagine the amount of pasta we consume!!! Fresh, homegrown meat would be great, but I don't think it's in me. Kinda makes me sad, as I am 1/3 Native American, and should be able to do it. I do believe it has to do with the fact that I am HIGHLY allergic to venison (found out when I was 11) and that my step-dad's family owned a very large pig farm and I was grossed out with their practices.

- I really applaud anyone that raises their own meat animals. I envy you also. Steph
When my husband eats cereal, he won't drink the milk.
Yup, we've all got problems, that's for sure!

I don't attend meeting regularly so I don't call myself a Friend, but yes I do identify as a Quaker.
I don't know why I'm so picky, and sometimes it's a pain!!! I do actually like fried chicken breast, extra crispy (kfc). That's really the only time I eat the skin. But, I did raise my kids better!!! They eat most anything, though my son is going through this phase where he picks and chooses what he doesn't like.
His newest one is canned corn. We eat corn at almost every meal, and one day, he says he doesn't like corn anymore! But corn on the cob is ok. Go figure, I guess they are getting me back for being so picky for my mom!!! Steph
I eat meat, I find nothing wrong with eating meat. Death is not cruel, life 'can' be cruel. Now that I am aware of where those animal products at the grocery store, I am less incline to buy from the store. Because the animals led poor lives. To me it is not a question of death, but of the life. I killed and ate my first rooster just a few weeks ago, I thought it would be hard to eat for 'emotional' reasons, but nope we ate the whole thing. I made sure we used as much as that bird as we could.

I have considered becoming vegan, especially after being educated to factory farming. I realized I would rather continue eating meat, but making sure the majority was raised humanely. Since I have made this decision, I've hatched more chickens, bought a few turkeys, and am now looking at acquiring some quail.

I think it is very, very important for people to just know where their food came from. Just the acknowledgement that they are eating another creature is enough for me. True acknowledgement, and I think the best way to really truly experience this is by processing yourself. This is not the only way, but butchering my own bird was a very humbling experience.

Just my view on the topic.
Crunchie, you don't have to regularly attend meeting to be a Friend. There are lots of people who go, but aren't really there, if you know what I mean.
I've been a Quaker for years without "signing up." I think that's actually more Quakerly.
Yep. That. We don't eat meat and that works for us, but I am a huge supporter of our small local farms here. I'll be the first person to tell you where to find pasture-raised meat or free-ranged chickens. I'll do anything I can to help the movement towards more sustainable farming practices and to educate people as to where their food comes from. I just think it's so important, for so many reasons!
Simply because you can make some strong arguments that even if we are omnivores, we have the choice to be vegetarian in most intances with very few (if any) impacts to our health. So, if we could therefore act in a way which would prevent harm, abuse or even 'stress' on animals, why ought we not do it? If it is within my ability to prevent pain to an animal, why not elect to go that route? Even the most humane slaughter has moments of pain and terror to the animal involved.

I mean, I could send you reading for days on end and there are some very strong arguments put forth for vegetarianism. But, at the same time, there are some very good philosophical arguments for eating meat. It's probably one of those decisions you can't see the other side of, though, once you've chosen which side of the fence to step onto.
I do know what you mean!
I would actually love to go more, but the rest of my life gets in the way...I'm cool with that, though!
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