Is It My Imagination or Is This Chick Crested?


8 Years
Apr 15, 2016
Middle TN

Yes, I realize this is a cockerel. Never have I had one be so obvious so early (5 weeks). I can’t decide if the puff of feathers I’m seeing on his head is a crest or just an awkward feathering phase. He’s supposed to be a Favaucana. Now, funny things can happen with mixed breeds, but I’m getting suspicious. How does any combination of Faverolles and Ameraucana result in a clean faced, crested bird? :rant He seems to be the only cockerel I’ve ended up with somehow out of an incubator hatch AND a straight run purchase, but if he’s a Legbar cross instead of a Favaucana, which I suspect based on his appearance and flightiness, then I don’t want to use him in my breeding project. :he
Just over a week later, and he’s still here. Boy is he an awkward looking creature right now. So ugly he’s cute...maybe in the right light? :lau


You can see the gold leakage coming in on his shoulders. What is curious to me is how minimal his barring is. Is that normal? Will he become more obviously barred as he continues to feather in, or will he always be “barely barred”? I’m just curious about what he’s most likely to look like as an adult. Maybe I’ll keep him around, if he settles down and stops acting like he’s about to be murdered every time I (or one of the older chicks, for that matter) so much as turn my head in his direction. :he

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