Is it necessary to open and close the coop door in a penned environment?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 28, 2011
Hello Everyone.

Happy Spring!

My NH Reds are now a year old and the egg production hasn't event slowed since they started laying last August.

I have a nice coop for them which is raised about 40 inches off the ground.
The coop door opens into a 9x12 penned area where I used construction cloth on the sides and roof, and buried the sides down about a foot.

My question is - Is is necessary for me to close the coop at night?
Up until now, I've been running out there after dark to close the coop door.
Then, in the morning I run back out there and open it so the hens can come back out.
Lately, when I'm coming home from a late meeting I forget to close the coop door. But since the pen is secured, the hens seem to be fine with it, and happpy that they can come out as early in the AM as they'd like to.

Thank you for your input.

- Jim P.
I would close the coop up at night. I have forgotten to lock up and I was lucky. Just a matter of time before a predator starts trying to get in.
I also have an enclosed run attached to the coop we use to do what you did run out in the morning and at dusk then one night I thought my son had closed them in and he thought I did, well we didn't and they were quite happy to come out when they wanted and they go in at dusk. We haven't had any problems *fingers crossed* so we will just let them be happy this way. Just make sure that everything is secure and you should probably be fine. I would use stronger material for your run because I don't know how strong construction cloth is
Good Luck!!
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I also have an enclosed run attached to the coop we use to do what you did run out in the morning and at dusk then one night I thought my son had closed them in and he thought I did, well we didn't and they were quite happy to come out when they wanted and they go in at dusk. We haven't had any problems *fingers crossed* so we will just let them be happy this way. Just make sure that everything is secure and you should probably be fine. I would use stronger material for your run because I don't know how strong construction cloth is
Good Luck!!

Thanks. Construction cloth is netting made from strong metal with 1/4 in squares in it. It is used in venting for buildings so that no critters can get through the ducting. It is actually a lot stronger than poultry netting. I can't remember where I read about it, but it was recommended for chicken pens due to its strength.
I would close the coop up at night. I have forgotten to lock up and I was lucky. Just a matter of time before a predator starts trying to get in.

Thank you. I was wondering about that.
If I don't close the coop door, some of the hens like to sleep with their heads poked out the door.
Was wondering if that would be enough enticement for a raccoon or other predator to start digging to get at them.
Better safe than sorry!

We have a secure run and don't have to close our coop up either, but we usually do. This past weekend, we installed a Pullet-Shut automatic chicken door on the coop so that we don't have to worry about it...especially so that our chicken sitters don't have to worry about it when we occasionally take a weekend trip or vacation.
my coop has a run bellow and coop sleeping pen at top

my chickens go in by them selves

i never close the coop hatch door as my run part is very secure and i have very heavey thick gauge welded wire mesh on run

but depending on yr setup closing the door is a better option
Where I live, it would be more dangerous for the chickens to close them in the coop overnight. South Texas can get awfully hot and humid.

My runs are attached to the coops, they are welded mesh wire, and they have about an 8" skirt. The pens are near the house, and we have two australian cattle dogs on the porch all night. On each run I have 'solar night eyes'. It's been about a year now, and no prowling pests have gotten any of my chickens.

Strangely though, I did have one muddy raccoon paw print on one of the shades that covers the runs. Often we are away from the house with our dogs. I don't know if the raccoon crawled on during the night or day---but it was sobering. Snakes have been around the coops too.

Heat in summer a definite problem, predators a possible problem, thus no closed coops here.

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