Is it normal for hens to sit and watch the chicks on the other side of the fence?

Rose the Legbar

Dec 18, 2022
Washington State
About a week or so ago I took over a little bit less than a half of my hen’s run space to be able to start integrating my 4 (now 5) week old chicks using the see but no touch method. For a week now (the whole time the chicks have been there) my two hens just sit on the ground right by the chick’s door and either sleep or just watch them. I’ve had a chick bolt as their run door was open and grab a huge chunk of egg and my two hens didn’t hurt the chick, one just snatched the egg from the little one’s beak. So I don’t think that they want to eat the babies. Has anyone else‘s hens done this before or are my hens just weirdos.
This is normal hen behavior. Sometimes, these hens studiously observing the chicks will be triggered into nurturing behavior if they're older and experienced.

Can you open chick-size openings in the chick enclosure so the chicks can go out and mingle and return when they wish? They've had time now to learn about the hens behavior and to act accordingly.
This is normal hen behavior. Sometimes, these hens studiously observing the chicks will be triggered into nurturing behavior if they're older and experienced.

Can you open chick-size openings in the chick enclosure so the chicks can go out and mingle and return when they wish? They've had time now to learn about the hens behavior and to act accordingly.
Okay! Thank you, and I was actually thinking about opening the door a bit so the chicks could go out but I wasn’t too sure on it. I’ll do that now and observe how they act together.
I’ll get some good chick photos when I am out there next ;) . My most adventurous chick came out and got chased (not sprinting chase but more like a stalking chase) by my Wyandotte. My wyandotte looked at her like she was a walking piece of boiled egg 😬 (they go crazy for egg). I shoved her a bit back but she didn’t back down so I shut the door. My Wyandotte then started harassing the chicks that got too close to the wire. She’d peck at the wire and the babies would go screaming to the other side of their run.
I would have thought my wyandotte would love babies as she is super sweet and cuddly but I guess not. My weird crowing legbar adores the babies even though she is a snotty little thing.

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