Is it ok to use a CHE instead of heat lamp?


12 Years
Jan 9, 2008
Washburn, MO
I was wondering if I could use a CHE (Ceramic Heating Element) instead of a heat lamp for the chicks, at least at night? Maybe with just a nitelite. I am trying to avoid lighting up the entire room all nite
They are fine. I have 1 going in each of the 3 brooder boxes now. Have been using them for about a year with no problem.
I believe there a some people here that use them in their coops, I don't think they use them in the brooders.
I switched to a red heat light at night and a regular one during the day when my chicks were a couple of weeks old.
Cool! I just wanted to check to make sure. I have several of them on hand all the time. Since the brooder is in the same room as my baby goats and iguanas, I really don't need a bright light on all nite.
I have it hooked up now, testing the temps.
Chickies due in the morning!

I ordered from Cackle.
I ordered 10 Araucana pullets and the Happy Cackle Special which is 10 brown egg pullets, 1 rooster, 2 ducks, 2 geese, 2 turkeys and 10 assorted rare breed chicks. I am too impatient to wait till next month when they have geese, so I'm getting 2 extra ducks instead.

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