Is it OK to use up GROWER pellets on Laying hens?


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
I have 1 of 6 laying now. Should I stop using the grower pellets because she needs the extra calcium in the Layer Pellets? I have about 20-30 pounds of grower left and thinking of mixing it with 20 pounds of Layer. Is this OK?
OK thanks! I am glad to hear that because I can't bear to waste!

I noticed you are the Ameraucana police! I have two hens I believe are true Ameraucana but not sure since I bought them from a feed store. I have always wondered about it. But that is another post.

Thanks for the advice!
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I mixed up my grower with the layer initially until it was gone then used straight layer. No problems.
Hi all,
Does it matter mixing up and still using the Grower feed if it is medicated with coccidiostat?
Mine are 18 weeks now and I'm in the same situation with left over growing feed.
What if they start laying while still eating the feed that's medicated? Will the eggs be affected for human consumption?
Please can I have feedback!!
There was another post on here about this, and the person said they use the eggs for their family, with no ill affects. My dad will eat them, but he won't sell any that have eaten medicated feed.
I have a flock of mixed ages and sexes. I'm feeding Purina Flock Raiser and offering oyster shell free choice. So far, so good. The eggs have nice hard shells.

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