Is it okay for chickens to eat suet cakes?

there was a lot of helpful things in this thread. I have only been keeping chickens for about 3 months I'm fairly new at it, I also work at Tractor Supplyand have been wondering if these cakes would be safe for my chickens however nobody could tell me. This is my go-to site to learn things and help other people that come into my store with questions.I appreciate everybody that posts on this site with information to share with everybody this site is awesome
I am feeding my eight (7 hens, 1 rooster) chickens one commercial suet cake a week even though it's hot here in Southeastern Alabama. The 7 hens are laying an average of 5 or 6 eggs a day, and I often find 7, so I figured that they need some extra fat to make all those yolks. I also give them every two or three days broken spaghetti cooked in very little water in which I dissolve a handful of calcium and vitamin D capsules (about 8 or 10 of them). They don't seem to like the crushed oyster shells that I bought. They are kind of weird. For instance, they don't like corn, whole or broken. When I give them some scratch feed they leave the crushed corn and eat all the rest. And they eat the green leaves from the white oaks above their pen when the wind makes them fall. I suppose they eat the acorns, too, because I don't see any in their pen while they are everywhere else. They are really small acorns, the size of a large pea.
Old thread. I'd not give suet except for occasionally in a winter deep freeze (24/7 below 0*F) The concentrated fat calories void of other nutrition will do nothing for the bird other than increase their visceral fat which can set her up for egg laying difficulties.

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