Is it okay to transfer eggs? What I mean is my chicken payed an egg on the ground so I put it on the basket where they lay and then she sat on that.


In the Brooder
May 19, 2021
Is it okay to transfer eggs? What I mean is my chicken payed an egg on the ground so I put it on the basket where they lay and then she sat on that. Will it still hatch? Even i hold it and it was transferred?
If you’re asking if the chicken will hatch the egg bc you touched it....
So, first of all it’s an old wives tale that birds smell humans on their eggs and abandon them. They don’t have advanced enough senses of smell so that’s not true of any bird anywhere. Second, you have to have a broody hen on order for them to hatch the eggs. If she laid it right on the ground out in the open, she’s not looking to hatch a clutch.

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