Is it okey to leave mommy and her chicks indoors for awhile?


7 Years
May 1, 2012
This was my first attempt to use broody hen to hatch her chicks. Only two hatched actually. But they look good - healthy - eating and drinking. They are 4 days old now.
While sitting on the nest she was separated from the rest of the flock in the garage brooder. It is still cold and very rainy outside. We live in the Northwest.
I do not feel comfortable to get the mommy and her chicks outside. Is It okey to live them in the garage for a while. I am thinking for about couple weeks. Then it is going to be March and hopefully better weather and off they will go.
Any advice would be appreciated!
We put our broodies and their chicks in their own pen as soon as they are done hatching, and they stay in a pen for the next five to six weeks. We feel this protects them from the rest of the flock as well as, of course, predators, and gives the mother a rest from stress. After five to six weeks we put them all out with the flock so she can teach them about the flock , where food and water are out there, predators, and flying up to a roost. After six weeks we've found that some broodies are ready to boot baby out the door, so we try to time it accordingly.

So in answer to your question, yeah, you're fine.
We have a broody with 6 week old chicks, and she still stays with them at night to keep them warm, and most of the day, too. They get cold easier than the others, even after they're fully feathered. when they do go out, I like to stay with them for a while...half hour to forty five help mama fend off the flock, and get used to being back with the flock herself, let alone with babies in tow. The flock will be curious and crowd around...some will try to peck babies, and some will want to mother or protect them. But they soon figure it out, it's no big deal. And mama will know what to do.
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Thanks for your quick response:)
my concern is more about them staying out of the day light under weg garage light whole day.
I wonder if they will be growing okey, or do they have to have a day light to grow properly.
being a gardener, I know how important is sunlight for the plants. I wonder if it is the same for the chicks?
I think they'll be ok. Warmth is most important As long as they have artificial light. I've noticed that our winter chicks don't seem to grow as fast as the ones hatched during spring and summer.. Our most recent brood seems to be growing faster now that they are out with the flock and getting more exercise, etc. They did not have any sunlight at all for weeks though. From hatch up til now. And still haven't seen the sun, really. Just artificial light, some indirect outside light, and light from the heat lamps when they are on. We have had a brutal winter here..they grew up in sub zero temperatures, supplemented by the warmth from their mother and the heat lights. Today is the first day they've seen temperatures above 40 degrees Farenheit!
Thanks that helps!
I will wait for couple weeks before I get them outside. It is quite wet here as well asit was raining quite a bit in seattle. I hope for some spring sunlight in a couple weeks.;)

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