Is it possible my hen has adopted two 3 month old roosters?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Just wanted to hear some opinions on my hen who has been attacking me lately when I go near "her" two roosters they are both 3 months old and I introduced the 7 month old hen to them about a month ago and since then she has stopped laying and become very protective over the Roos to the point of jumping on me flapping her wings when I try to put the Roos in the coop and at feed time and they all cuddle up to each other in the coop at night ...Is it possible she thinks they are her own chicks even thought they were introduced to her at 2 months old?
Hi there jamayy :)

I would have to say that I do think it is possible.

I have a 7 month old Silkie who has not even laid her first egg yet. When her hatch sister suddenly passed away, I purchased a 3 month old Frizzle to keep her company as the other 3 in my little flock were not really bonded with her (that has now changed).

Anyways, she bonded with the little Frizzle pretty much straight away and while not aggressive towards me, took on the motherhood role. She sleeps with the Frizzle, protects her from the other girls (if needed) and calls her over to give her bugs etc that she has caught.

Having a broody hen who has raised two hatches, while I would not believe it unless I had seen it, this Silkie has adopted the Frizzle as "hers" and is doing all the classic mothering traits.

Happy chickens!
Thanks @Teila! Aw your girls sound really sweet! I forgot to mention our two adopted Roos are huge meat chicks it's quite funny to see them huddle up to our isa brown mama
Aaaw jamayy, that sounds adorable! Do you have a picture?

Just thinking, she may not be so keen to be their mum when they start to look at her from a different, all-grown-up-rooster point of view

This is Tina with her adopted baby Lulu:

Oh my, that is so adorable! She definitely has that 'proud mum' look in her eye.

While still a bit sad, the separation may not be so bad, depending on when you plan to do it. When they get too boisterous for her or the relationship changes to one of them being typical roosters, their bond will change and she should not be quite so 'attached' to them.

Time to leave the nest so to speak

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