is it possible to age after freezing?


Jul 15, 2018
i just learned that you should age the meat befor you freeze it. Me and my wife have processed 2 rounds of meat birds and never noticed one thay was excesivly chewy or tough out of the 15 birds weve eaten but im deffintly going to try ageing the next batch. My question is can you get the same agging effect if i was to thaw the birds for a few days then refreeze them. The reason i ask is because a few days ago we processed our 4 turkeys and since they were much older then the chickens im worried they will be tuff because we put them in the freezer on the same day we processed them.
My question is can you get the same agging effect if i was to thaw the birds for a few days then refreeze them.

Do not refreeze them after thawing without cooking them first. You can get bacteria build-up that way.

I freeze my chickens the day I butcher them but age them in the fridge after I thaw them. It seems to work for mine.
Do not refreeze them after thawing without cooking them first. You can get bacteria build-up that way.

I freeze my chickens the day I butcher them but age them in the fridge after I thaw them. It seems to work for mine.
What other foods is this not good for?
I thaw chorizo or sausage to use and then freeze it again. But not sure if what you said only applies to carcasses.
Chorzo and sausage has a lot of salt in it to preserve it. I certainly would not refreeze it uncoocked, but that's probably why you haven't gotten sick on it. If I were you, I'd be freezing it in smaller quantities so you can pull out what you need each time.

You can age your turkey when you are ready to use it.

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