Is it possible to clean incubator between hatching?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 14, 2014
South FL
Hello. I'm nearing the end of my first hatch.

Of 17 eggs, 13 have hatched between 2 days ago and yesterday. The chicks are about to be moved to the brooder and I now have three eggs left and one more that pipped last night.

I was not aware of the paper towel trick, muffin trick, or any other things for helping a relatively dirty-free hatch. So with all the hatching gunk and then running around, the incubator is pretty gross inside now (and I imagine that has gotten all over the remaining eggs)

Is there any way for me to do at least a partial cleaning so that the remaining eggs are not in a germ filled environment? And the eggs that are left (obviously with exception to the pipped egg), is there a way to clean/disinfect them and is that recommended at this point? Thanks.
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Don't mess with it until the hatch has completed, then you can clean it thoroughly. How to do this depends on the model of the incubator, but you can figure it out. Avoid wetting electrical stuff is the main "rule". Even with baskets and paper towels, there is still a mess once chicks start to hatch.

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