Is it possible to excise or band a tumor?

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. We culled Maggie the day after my last post, and I took her to UC Davis for a necropsy (I am so grateful to have them in my backyard).

She was found to have lymphomas on her spleen and liver, as well as the external ones I could see. There was no lymphoma found in her nervous system, and they ruled out Marek's (yay!). Likely cause: avian leukosis, a virus that is most frequently passed hereditarily from mother to chick, but sometimes passes via biting insects like red mites. It's not uncommon and, like Marek's many more birds are carriers than actually display symptoms or die from the disease.

Maggie came to me from a neighbor a few years ago, and I suspect that her "sister" who died earlier this year ALSO succumbed to avian leukosis. I've done a mad clean of the coop, and am treating all the birds with Permethrin to kill any remaining mites.

I suspect I will lose a few more birds to leukosis before this is all over, but I'm glad to know what's up, and to be able to keep an eye on symptoms. I do wish I'd culled Maggie a little sooner, but she was really quite happy and seemed comfortable right up until the last few days.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. We culled Maggie the day after my last post, and I took her to UC Davis for a necropsy (I am so grateful to have them in my backyard).

She was found to have lymphomas on her spleen and liver, as well as the external ones I could see. There was no lymphoma found in her nervous system, and they ruled out Marek's (yay!). Likely cause: avian leukosis, a virus that is most frequently passed hereditarily from mother to chick, but sometimes passes via biting insects like red mites. It's not uncommon and, like Marek's many more birds are carriers than actually display symptoms or die from the disease.

Maggie came to me from a neighbor a few years ago, and I suspect that her "sister" who died earlier this year ALSO succumbed to avian leukosis. I've done a mad clean of the coop, and am treating all the birds with Permethrin to kill any remaining mites.

I suspect I will lose a few more birds to leukosis before this is all over, but I'm glad to know what's up, and to be able to keep an eye on symptoms. I do wish I'd culled Maggie a little sooner, but she was really quite happy and seemed comfortable right up until the last few days.
I'm sorry to hear about Maggie:hugs

It's good that you were able to have a necropsy and find out more about that tumor and get a diagnosis.
Thank you for updating your thread.

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