Is it possible to sex 1 week old chicks? *ADDED PICS*

I would think the lil comb stickin up there already is an indicator.. some chicks are hatched with a comb that already has the lil spikes.. I totally guess roo on this one!
The head spot is screaming roo.

Is that the only EE you have? How old is that one? I am guessing pullet actually.. (just a guess)
This chicken sexing has me totally confused too, lol.

But don't BR females have bigger than average combs? Or maybe I'm mixing them up with some other breed....

Well, with Speck I wouldn't mind him being a her. Though I might have to rename her Sassy Pants, heh. And I have 6 more little chipmunks and 2 butterballs. They are 9 days old and the sweetest things.
my 3 chicks all have fairly dark LEGS, some black on the base of the feet tho. the head spot is almost identical on all 3 except one, and is in a upside down "U" shape starting with the base of the "U"starting at the end near the beak.

Ill try to get pics.
The dot on the head only if it's a boy is a sexlink rooster, not a BR. Both sexes in BRs have that.

Though your chick has no dark down the leg fronts, it looks much more pullet-y than male, at this point, but remember! Sexing rules are not effective in about 10% of the cases anyway. And some lines of BRs, especially show lines, have more clear legged pullets than in hatchery stock. This is one you'll have to wait on, I think. When the wings grow in, you'll be better able to tell by the barring.
Sure is a cute chick.

How can you tell the difference between a male and female 6 week old EE?

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