Is it red mites?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Okay, I'm pretty sure I have a red mite problem.... and I'm pretty sure it maybe in my own house now. My hens come inside the house to an indoor coop in the evening.

For a few weeks, I have been finding these very, small grey bugs around my house I didn't think much of them - thought maybe they were carpet beetles.

About a week ago, I started getting a bunch of bug bites when I was sleeping and thought maybe they were from bed bugs or carpet beetle allergic reaction.

Today, I picked up my hen to let her outside, and her ear lobe was COVERED in small, red bugs.

It seems like it's a serious red mite infestation - what do you think????
From what you have described yes you have a mite problem. The mites start grey and once they have fed they turn red with the blood they have sucked. I would try to get on top of the problem as soon as possible it can very quickly turn into into an infestation. I had a terrible problem in my coop. I power washed the coop out and even more came out as the water disturbed them. After it had dried I gave it a good spray with mite kill then when that had dried o applied liberal amounts of diatom earth every where. I continued with spray and earth every 3 days for 2 weeks. Finally got rid of them. I would give your birds a good dust with suitable mite/lose powder too. Hope you get sorted soon and good luck.

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