Is it safe to eat eggs from chickens who carry CRD

I would say, since they are still babies, that future eggs are going to be "okay". How old are they though? If they are anywhere close to laying (say 15-18 weeks), I would probably observe part if not all of a "withdrawal period", especially since it's upsetting you so much to even think about it! This period of "throwing out the eggs" could give you a chance to crack them open and thoroughly investigate the internals of the eggs you will be getting.

My chickens only started to lay 6 weeks ago (and we are still waiting on one hold out), so I am by no means an "expert", but it took my other half several weeks to work up the courage to eat an egg that came "straight from the chickens rump"! I spent the first 2-3 weeks making him store bought eggs while I ate the good ones, we fight over the few eggs we get now though! He still gets a little "ooked" when the eggs are still warm...

I believe the medicated chick feed also carries a warning on it about swapping it out several weeks before egg production to clear the meds from the for meat birds, I think the medicated to non-medicated swap is reccomended for 6 weeks before butcher. Your eggs shouldn't have anything "wrong" with them once the meds and illness have cleared!
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They are five weeks old today. Bought them from the hatchery as day old chicks on July 27th. I laugh at your husband's reaction to fresh eggs because mine was the same too. We went to visit my parents and my dad ran over to the neighbor's to get eggs and I thought I would die!!!! But once I ate them, oh so good. Can't wait to get my own eggs because I cook so much I cannot keep them in stock in the fridge and they just keep getting more and more expensive at the store. Only now knowing everyone is sick is ruining the fun of it all and I am starting to think I will feed everyone else the fresh eggs and just keep buying mine at the store. Definitely something I will have to work through before we get to that point:) But if you guys had chimed in that the eggs were bad to eat since the hens had been sick, I would start leaving chicks outside a few at a time for the sweet coons that stroll through the yard late at night.
I use wormers such as valbazen and safeguard. The standard withdrawal period is 14 days which I observe. We eat the eggs afterwards....I'm still here typing after all these years, and no worms in the eggs lol.

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