Is it safe to let ducks and chickens free range in Northwest Arkansas?

The op quoted me and asked a question. I answered it.
Get over yourself. I have every right to post anything anytime I want on any threads here.
You're the only one that seems to have issues. If you don't like my posts skip over them. Personal attacks against me doesn't help the op in anyway.
You really think you're going to bully me away because my opinion isn't the same as yours?
dogs are definitely not a concern in my area, the cant hurdle an 8 ft fence,and the biggest dog my neighbor has is a beagle and a toy poodle
The op quoted me and asked a question. I answered it.
Get over yourself. I have every right to post anything anytime I want on any threads here.
You're the only one that seems to have issues. If you don't like my posts skip over them. Personal attacks against me doesn't help the op in anyway.
You really think you're going to bully me away because my opinion isn't the same as yours?
Apologies .....
No one here has an issue, were all good, there's always a little devil on your shoulder. It's just raising awareness of the possibility. It's ok, and everyone has one goal when they answer these things. TO HELP!!! its all GOOOD!!
Too many to list. Those are my pet/laying flock so a lot of birds from my breeding groups plus any odds and ends that we just enjoy.
Probably about 20 different breeds in there.
My signature lists what we breed. Mostly leghorns.
Yes! I saw your signature and deleted my question. I am really interested because I'd like to free range again. Do you have a dog? Do roosters help? I don't have either.
I've got brown leghorns, Austrlalorp, S Sussex, Barred rock, and 2 bantams, a d'uccle and a Sebright. I am most concerned w the bantams but they feel they are part of the gang, if not in charge of, and would be really unhappy to be left behind.

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