Is it safe to move a broody hen sitting on eggs?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 8, 2008
Rochester, NY
I have a hen who has been broody for about a week. She is sitting on quite a few eggs but the place she chose is just inside the door to the coop. Is it safe for me to move her to a "better" spot at this point?
Yes, move her and the eggs at night into a secure pen (they seem to be more calm when you do it in the evenings) where the others can't get to her and lay in her nest...I do this all the time with broodies....
If you can move her,do so. I think they do much better if they have their own space and are left alone. I had a hen hatch 9 chicks from 9 eggs and all I did throughout her brooding period was to make sure she had fresh food and water.
I moved her to a secure spot, she deserted the eggs. When I put her back with the other hens she went back to where she had been and started another clutch. I guess I'll leave her this time. I'm learning that no matter what - animals don't always follow the rules or logic.
I've never had that happen all my broodies have stuck right where I have put the do have to inclose the hen and the nestbox in a secure place where the other hens can't get to her and she can't leave the inclosure....just make sure food and water are within the area too....
Did you try putting her back on the eggs? I had a broody hen that would escape sometimes, I would let her wander for about 20 minutes then would put her back on the nest. She had a 100% hatch.
Okay, I moved my Broody to another coop. The one she was in was too hot, and the nest was too high up. Now she's in a 4x8 a-frame coop with a nice run, and sharing the coop with another brooder. I moved her at night, and I hope she likes it.
Seems to have worked, she was still on the nest this morning. I think I'll keep the door closed till and hour before before sunset, then close it . Will give her an opportunity to get out for some ground pecking.
Thank you so much for the advice! Our coop is high up (we have flood irrigation) and Veldfire's soon to be chicks were not safe up there. I moved her tonight into the "chick pen" for her to raise her babies when they hatch next week. She was laying in an aluminum turkey pan (yes, the kind to roast turkeys for thanksgiving. What? It fit perfectly in the nest box and easy to pull out/dump/refill for easy cleaning
). I picked up pan (with her still in it) and moved her across the yard to her new pen. She never budged the whole time I was carrying her. She never got off the nest as soon as I put her down in her new spot. Seems to be a smooth transition. I will let you know how it worked out by tomorrow!

Oh, and I did it tonight, it is almost 9 pm and very dark. I think it helped her with the move. She made a lot less "raptor" noises.
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