Is it safe to put turkey chicks under a broody hen?


10 Years
Feb 5, 2009
Platina, Ca.
I picked up 6 turkey chicks today... Ah, dag gum feed store and their cutie patootys! I have a broody hen that was sitting on eggs they didnt hatch last week so we took them out yeasterday and put golf balls under her she is still sitting on them. Was told you can put the chicks under in the night is this good advice or should I throw the chicks in the brooder box? Will the hen care for them? What should I look for? Thanks
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Well I tried it late last night she is still on them but not gotton up to show them where to eat and drink... any help on this?
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We just took the chicks out from under her one at a time and dipped the beaks in some water. They didnt want to come out from under hen, they would run back over to her. They where not eating or drinking. Sprinkled feed on the floor, then put a little cup in her nest...
But great news today! We have not lost one of the 6. She is up and showing them what to do. Did not think it would work and we kept a close eye on her. We are very pleased with the out come. Got a picture of her and some of the chicks.
I'm sorry no one responded to help you...maybe nobody here knows anything about turkeys
hmm.png thinks this is unlikely, but can think of no other explanation!

Anyway, I'm glad to hear they are doing so well! What a great picture, too! Congrats!
No worries thought we would try and just sit to the side, glad it worked. Moved her by our computer so we could keep an eye on her better, but I'm thinking it is not needed... Still fun to have her with her turkey babies and our other Mama Diane with her 4 chicken chicks right here in the house, oh how red neck are we? LOL
Today 10:58 am ya u did the right thing giving the poults to her... i have a broody hen on turkey eggd as we speak and have done what
Thank you,
Happy to hear from someone else that has tried this might need you later to ask more questions...
Thanks guys.
Similar question. My chicken eggs under broody hen should be hatching in a few days. I wanted to put a turkey in with the bunch so I don’t need to brood it myself. What are your thoughts?

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