is it toooo soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

awe so cute. good luck to you too. what kind? i cant wait to post pictures on here. oh yeah make that three. im so happy. i wonder what color they will be since idont know who is who? and if there wind up being roos well then i will have to say by by birdie. ant have any more roos.
that stinks. im sorry for your loss. (hugs). i have bsl rir nir leghorns bramas, batams someten oranother lol sultans, one americana, coco marens well all together there is 59, all diffrent kinds. but i love them all. and i only paid for 3 of them. long story short class room expement. and the teachers didnt want them after words. and my boys one 8 at a game dunig easter. thata all this got started. lol. be fore i checked the post i went and looked threw the window int the bator and the first one that piped its hole is bigger and starting to put its beak out so cute. i cant wait to see fuzzy puff balls
i got hm this morning and seven little peepers. when can i take them out of the bator. i still have some that are pipping. but the oldest one will be in there 48hrs late this noght i think. i dont want to miss up any more then what i have already did.
What I did with mine was to up the humidity to about 75% then quickly I opened the window instead of the whole lid and grabbed them out closing the window between each baby. That way humidity didnt drop too low. I have also read you can take the bator into the bathroom steam it up and take them out but I was afraid to do that. You can leave them in there for 72 hours. The yolk they absorbed will tied them over til then.
ok good i was getting a little scared. 48hrs is coming fast and i still have some that ae pipping. when do i stop and discard everything else. it was like they were at diffrent stages when i candled them less then a week ago. but i also dont know when they were all layed. (found them stached by the hens)lol). the other question would be why dose it stink so bad.
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