is it true that hens sleep with their head under their wing and roos don't?

Ruby Mia

6 Years
Feb 6, 2013
is it true that hens sleep with their head under their wings and roos don't as i have 3 13 week old chicks and the two who we think are hens sleep with their head under their wings and the one we think is a roo doesn't.
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is it true that hens sleep with their head under their wings and roos don't as i have 3 13 week old chicks and the two who we think are hens sleep with their head under their wings and the one we think is a roo doesn't.
It depends on the bird. My Wyandotte cockerels sleep with their heads beneath their wing, but my Dutch bantam males usually don't. Birds will large combs don't tend to sleep beneath their wing, as their heads can't fit that well.
There doesn't seem to be any connection that I have seen so far as boy or girl with sleeping with their heads tucked. Like BantamLover21 said, the comb may make a difference, I know my EEs often do but the adult big combed birds like Leghorns don't really.

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