Is it Twins???


6 Years
Jul 9, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
This egg is on Day 10. Am I crazy, or do I see twins??? This is only my second hatch! Is it possible the chick is just... somehow... wrapped around the egg?
Actually, yeah they get like that sometimes. I had a couple that looked that way on day 11, thought I was going nuts, lol. I think it looks fine. I think it just depends on how the embryo was laying when you picked the egg up. Keep us posted! If it for some reason doesn't make it you should do an eggtopsy. Fingers crossed it hatches though! Have you candled this egg previously? If so, how did it look last time?
The patches seem close but where they meet it’s too dark to see what’s going on. When I candled the egg before on day 5 I couldn’t find the embryo, only the veins. (Saw the embryo in the other one tho!) The “missing baby” smelled fine so I put it back. It is normal sized but the egg could be from a banty hen. No idea who laid it. For sure gonna crack this thing open if it doesn’t do that itself/dies. The whole patch wraps about halfway around the egg and seems far too large to be just one chick curled around a normal size egg. The other egg that’s incubating (yup, only doing two. The surrogate momma is a banty and first time mom so eh) is a far more normal size. The most active egg I’ve ever seen. I love it’s attitude... and it hasn’t even hatched! Gonna recandle this weird egg tomorrow night and see if the baby was just having a stretch or it truly is something strange?

...Are conjoined chickens possible?
Yes, conjoined twins could be possible, but the chance is very low and it/they probably wouldn't live long. Do remember a chicken fetus is attached to several support systems/sacs that could look like a whole 'nother embryo.

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