Is leg color related to egg color? (EEs)

Leg color has nothing to do with egg color. But, when I first got chickens (EEs with green legs) a friend here on BYC told me that their legs start out green, and that when they begin to lay, the pigment from their legs is deposited into the eggshells. Okay, I admit it...I believed her. (I AM blonde!)
Actually the answer is "yes" and "no".

No, in the sense that you can tell the color of an egg by the color of the legs. (Btw, for the person who mentioned ear lobes, that is not necessarily true either.)

However, yes, in the sense that Ameraucanas (not EE's), for example, store their egg color in their face, comb, and shanks. So it stands to reason that the darker, more grayish-blue that a birds legs are, the better blue one would get in the eggs.

God Bless,

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