Is Minnie Baby (and her sisters), a "Minnie" or a "Mickey"?

Thanks! I decided to hang on to Betsy and give her a few more weeks. I did take the other 4 back. It's funny, now that I know what coloring and behavior to watch for, I could totally tell that the other 4 were cockerels. And the guy I got them from thought so too when I took them back this afternoon. I did pick up 4 more. We'll see how I did this time around - now I'm nervous! These ones are only 8 weeks old. I picked the ones with the least comb and wattle development, if any! And I stayed away from dark red marking on the feathers as much as possible. Is it possible to tell male from female at 2 months?

Thanks again!
That depends a lot on the breed of the bird.
Some you can tell at hatch ie the sex link chickens
Some you can tell pretty much at 6 weeks ie bantam cochins
Some you cannot tell until it either lays or crows ie seabrights

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