Is my chick going to die?


In the Brooder
May 28, 2021
It was shrink wrapped in its shell so I tried to help it out after watching various videos for hours..he/she was bleeding around umbilical cord so I put baking soda on it…resting and breathing and has been moving when bumped by other chicks…have I destroyed it’s chance for survival? 😭
It’s still breathing and looks like umbilical cord is drying! Not moving much yet though..
Chick sadly died this morning around 6:30 :( circle of life I guess. Hopefully the other two make it in the brooder!
How long was it pipped before you intervened? It still had a lot of blood to absorb. I’m sorry it didn’t make it. You definitely tried your best. That’s all we can do sometimes. :hugs
Chick sadly died this morning around 6:30 :( circle of life I guess. Hopefully the other two make it in the brooder!
We lost a shrink wrapped baby. We gave her 48 hours from first pip before intervening... I wonder if we waited too long... She never got her feet under her... I did vitamins and syringe fed her for a day, but she still didn't make it.
Yes, circle of life, but also so heartbreaking, and after all the effort you put in! 💔

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