is my chick sick?


6 Years
Mar 27, 2014
Spokane, WA
I just bought a tiny little Plymouth Rock today, brought her home and put her in an aquarium with her lamp, food, and water. All she has done since I brought her home is sleep. Is this normal? How much do tiny babies sleep? I showed her the water and food and she took a sip, but hasn't eaten. She wakes a bit when I pick her up but then settles back to sleep in my hand. She was walking around in the brooder at the feed store. I'm worried she may be sick. How long between feedings is ok?
Did you add any Save a Chick to water? If you don't have any, you can add a little might give her some energy.. Then maybe she would start eating... I got two new chicks yesterday and I sprinkled some food out for them bc they were so tiny and wobbly it was hard for them to get to feeder..I also had to dip beaks....they do sleep a lot...hope she's ok...
Oh, thanks. I didn't get any, but I just mixed up a batch of homemade sports drink. She's up now and has eaten (whew!) and had a little to drink. I hope she was just tired.
The temp is about 88-90 degrees. She's eating a lot now, and crying for a mommy. She quiets when I pet her but then starts again as soon as I leave. When she's a bit bigger I will introduce her to my older chicks. They're only a few weeks older but they look huge compared to her.
You bought a single chicken by itself?

That could be the reason she cries.
You bought a single chicken by itself?

That could be the reason she cries.

You need to get that chick a little friend the same age if it's on it's own. They don't thrive when they are on their own unless you are wiling to take on the role of mother hen, i.e., spend hours and hours of the day with the chick. Chickens need to be in flocks, and little chicks can get sick or even die if they are left on their own. A chick that is constantly peeping loudly is letting you know that it is in distress.
We bought a Marans that was one week old, and 7 other chicks that were 3. We were a bit worried that the Marans would get crushed or picked on, but so far she is holding her own. She's still certrainly smaller and occasionally gets pushed around when they get excited, but never in an aggressive way.

I'm totally new to this, and I don't know what the size difference is between your sets of chicks, but perhaps this would help?

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