Is my coop too big?? Should i make adjustments..??? pics...

When my chickens were younger the roosts were about 1 foot up, I just kept moving it up a foot. They are 6 months old now and there main roosting beam is 6 feet up, they seem to prefer the beem that is higher. I also have an areas that are 3, 4 & 5 feet high.. I do have 2 chickes who roost on top of the wall that seperates there stall to the main barn and that is 13 feet ( I have no idea how they get up that high) Those heights seem to work for us but I guess it might depend on the bird and what they are comfortable with.

Also I use a wood beem and flat boards for them to roost on, they are easier to clean and if you would ever have a chicken with curled toes it's much easier for them to roost.
Ooh thanks guys, i soo appreciate all the comments, Its Fab!!

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