Is my coop too small?


Apr 27, 2015
I have a 4 by 8 foot coop and a 20 by 10 foot run. I currently have 8, 6 week old chicks in there that will all be pretty large breeds. I also just ordered a buff orpington female and a salmon faverolle male. The coop will just be to sleep in. During the day they will be let into the run and when I get home from school they will be free ranged (starting next spring when they are a year old). Will the coop be enough space for 10 adult chickens.

Here's my math:
Area of coop: 8 x4 = 32
32 divided by 10 chickens = 3.2 sq feet of space per bird

Area of run: 20 x10 = 200
200 divided by 10 chickens = 20 sq feet of space per bird

Sorry for the multiple posts...I have many questions and I want to make sure my chickens are happy and healthy!
This might depend on where you live. If you are in a moderate area where they won't have to be stuck in the coop for long periods during the winter months, you will probably be fine. If you are in an area where they will be locked up most of the time for several months, that might be squishing them.
I'm in Illinois, and in the winter they will be allowed into the run. On days when theres no snow, they'll be allowed to free range as well.
I am going to build them a new roost because the one I have is kinda small and it takes up floor space. I'm going to make a roost that folds up to the wall so it takes up no floor space during the day which will be good in winter when they don't want to go into the snow. I will of course go out every day at 5 or 6 and fold it back down so they can roost by dusk. I think the coop is a little small, but good enough, mainly because I have no other options and don't have enough money to build or buy a new one. This one cost $300 dollars to build and a lot of it was recycled.
It's more room than my birds have! ( but they free range all day)

That is enough room in the coop if the run is covered. If the run is not covered, you're going to have some issues when they have to crowd into the coop to stay out of the elements.
If the run is covered, put roosts in the run, fresh treats regularly ( especially when they can't free range) and maybe a straw bale or two, and they should stay entertained enough for you not to have any issues. If you run is not covered at the moment, a heavy duty clear sheeting is what I tie on. This give the chickens protection from snow, rain, and ice, but still lets in sun shine so that the run isn't dark. I replace it every 2 winters, and it holds up well. Really, if the run is covered, you shouldn't have issues. If it's not, the coop will be tight.
Preserving as much floor space as possible with using a poop board and keeping the feed/water outside and covering at least part of the run will help stretch the space. You really won't know how your flock does in this amount of space until you go through a full year with them. Group dynamics and individual personalities are such that there can be a great variance in how one flock to the next would do in this setup.
Preserving as much floor space as possible with using a poop board and keeping the feed/water outside and covering at least part of the run will help stretch the space. You really won't know how your flock does in this amount of space until you go through a full year with them. Group dynamics and individual personalities are such that there can be a great variance in how one flock to the next would do in this setup.

x2 all my feeders are out, and the roosts are 2' off the ground so that they don't take up floor space. I also have a small coop just for laying eggs, and a completely covered run. They usually free range from 8 am to 8 pm, but for those days that they stay in, all these things help space not be an issue. I also have over all friendly breeds, like BO, AM, EE, and BCM. I'm sure that helps.
I'm gonna wait until next spring probably before I decide to do anything. They'll be a year old then. If it's not enough room, I'll purchase a garden shed. I'm also gonna cover the run.

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