Is my dog wanting to protect or murder?

Head shaking maybe do to earmites.

Stay with her and location where young birds are kept. Allow her to be around them a lot to exhaust her curiosity. Based on her description you have very good control over her and she is measured in her approach to birds. I try to avoid handling birds in front of her and also avoid startling them. You want her and birds to be calm with each other and when you are about. Make sure see is good and tired the first time she encounters birds outside of containment. I would make certain first interaction occurs in location she is familiar with and where birds can forage about for eats. Have her on leash if you are concerned about her reflexive interest in birds.

Shortly I will be introducing my 2-year old German Pointer to 4 Ancona ducklings. Dog has killed ducks in past (adults) but now leaves my free-range adult ducks alone. Killing was not by outright predation, rather rough play which makes my job easier. She still chases wild fowl with exception of shovelers very hard which agrees with my disease management efforts. Based on her activities around brooder the introduction will go smoothly. She will be taken out with other dog to chase squirrels or rabbits and then take a swim in ponds to get her edge off. Then I will move brooder out to front yard and tie her near it. Next step will be to gently turn brooder over to allow ducklings (also chicks) to come out to forage on their own accord. Interaction will be allowed to persist for much of day. Periodically I will take dog out to chase something elsewhere then bring her back to location of ducklings where we can sit and be calm. Goal to get excitement focused away from birds. It will take time before I can trust her fully but that will be realized.

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