Is My Duck Egg Alive?


Apr 21, 2019
A month ago I noticed a mallard duck visiting my yard and making a nest all by herself. Sadly she disappeared about 2 - 3 weeks ago and I haven’t seen her since. A few days ago I was doing yard work and found what I believe to be one of her eggs buried in a flower bed about 15 ft away from the nest all by itself and I hadn’t even seen her near the area I found the egg, except for once just wandering. Her actual nest has no eggs but does have all of her feathers and some twigs as if she was ready for them!
I worried about the single egg and it seemed like there was possibly something in their given it’s weight so I quickly got a friends incubator, got the temperature and humidity steady, and then decided to try and become a duck mom! Lol
I am unsure if this little guy is okay because for most I’ve seen that the egg seems almost fluid like and some even say they’ve seen movement while mine almost seems like it is stuck to the side as well as not moving or any sign of a fluid like inside. I also don’t want to break it open to find the duck was alive!
I’ve attached photos, excuse the dirt on it, I tried not to clean off any of its good little microbes to try and keep it healthy, but I’d appreciate any info anyone could give me on the health of my egg. Some have said it’s supposed to smell if bad? I haven’t smelled anything except dirt and I did the egg in water test and it sinks but some say it’s becauss the duck is gaining weight while others say it’s bad. I also don’t see any veins which some say is okay if it is in later stages and I’m guessing it’s maybe at least 2.5 weeks maybe 3 weeks old? Hopefully dots can help but it’s mostly on dot 1 and dot 2 and 3 is near the bottom but it does still have that air pocket in the top and bottom of egg, can faintly see it under dot 1.
Sorry for it being so long, but anything you can share will help!
If you candle it like you are youd see movement

Set it down on something solid to make sure its not just from you moving and actualy the duckling moving, Tap the egg lightly and whistle at it see if you can get any movement

I have no experience whatsoever but my guess is they all hatch but that one and they moved on... I have little hope

Its sweet your giving it a chance tho you never know!
Popped it open and turned out to be a whole lot of yolk with what looked like bruising(if that’s possible) on the inside of the egg.
Thank you all for taking some ease off my mind and helping me get the courage to make sure the little egg was unfertilized! Thank you!

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