Is my Easter Egger a male or female?

Here are some pictures from today. She is a week older and has grown a lot. Do you think it's a pullet?


Having the same ? With mine. Not aggressive at all with my other 5 birds but is now 12 weeks old and making me nervous that I don't know the sex. Any input would be great!
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I have the question as Im not sure if one of my EEs is a pullet or a cockerel. My 2 EEs are larger than all of the other standards I have and they are the most aggressive. Any experienced and educated answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance, Dave....

Im also a newbie but the folks on here have helped me so much in helping identify just who in my flock are roosters ( and need to go back ) and who are pullets.
I had a feeling my easter egger might just be a rooster and once I posted a few pictures, this one helped reveal that I have a rooster. See how his comb has two lines of bumps working onto 3 rows of bumps? From what I understand thats a pretty good indicator of a roo, as the hens have a very small comb and looks more like a single line than several rows of bumps. So far that method has proved right for me in every instance! Good luck!


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