Is my goat prego?


7 Years
Feb 22, 2012
Northeast Ohio
Heidi and Rose were bred a while back and Heidi (brown) is due towards the beginning of September and Rose (black) is due in the middle/end. I KNOW Heidi is prego but I'm not 100% on Rose. I felt what I believe to be kicks in Rose. I was feeling up and to the right of her udder area. What do you guys think? BTW I'm sorry the pictures suck. I can't find the good camera
. I'll look TMRW for it and take better pics. if I do find it.

Is Roses' udder filling with milk? It can start filling anywhere from 30 minutes before the birth and 6 wks before the birth. Keep an eye on it.

And when my girls are pregnant I can feel the babies kicking, so it's possible thats what you felt!
Haven't noticed much udder change. Her teats look bigger to me though. Then again I said that last time Heidi was suppose to be prego. The day she was suppose to drop she went into heat
. Heidi does have a decent amount of udder growth that is impossible to just 'think' it grew. That's hers in the third pic.
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Ok, I don't really know if there is any for sure way to tell right now, unless you get Rose an ultrasound. With our girls we never bother, just wait and see if their udders fill out; you should really be seeing a difference in Roses belly size and udder in the month of September (if she's due at the end like you said). But hey, maybe she is one of those does that hides their babies up till the moment they come out!
Well there's no doubt in my mind now. When I had her on the milk stand I found a baby's heart beat! It was in the same area as the kicking. Another thing is when I was trying to find the heart beat there were two thumps on the stethoscope. I believe that was me hearing it kick.

I took both of them to the vets today. We found two heart beats in Heidi and nothing in Rose when we used the one thing that lets you hear the heart beat. We did do an ultrasound and the vet found at least one goat baby in there. She said she wouldn't be able to tell how many there were. So I have three babies coming!
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