Is my hen eggbound?? Please Help


7 Years
Jun 28, 2012
West Coast
I've noticed that my black australorp hasn't laid an egg in probably 4 days, and she is moving a bit slower and has a lot less energy. I wasn't sure what was going on until I noticed she had what appeared to be the clear part of an egg and possibly a little yolk in a couple of her poops. She didn't have any signs of diarrhea, so I eliminated that option and started to suspect she might be eggbound. I felt around her vent and my other chickens' just to compare and the area right beneath my australorp's vent was a little bit firmer than that of the other chickens, but besides that there was no other hint that a fully formed egg might be stuck (which I suspected there wouldn't be after what I saw in her poop). She doesn't seem extremely lethargic, she still walks around a decent amount but she does look slightly uncomfortable (or maybe its just me
) and isn't wanting to run any where. I tried shaking a bag of mealworms to see if she'd come running like she usually does but she did not go faster than an energetic walk.

I am really trying to pinpoint what could be wrong, so any help/advice/suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you know of any steps I can take or other things to look for please let me know, I am open to anything.

Thanks for the help, I can post updates if that is desirable as well.
Did you check for and egg inside the vent? If not, that's what you need to do. If there is an egg there, I would tube fluids, give calcium and place her in a bathroom full of steam.

These might help you to check for an egg or masses.



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