Is my hen reacting to trauma?


8 Years
Sep 15, 2011
Caught my jerk Pekin drake trying to mate with my sweet Aracauna hen. She went in her coop (it happened close to dusk) and came out to eat the next morning, then I didn't see her out with her buddy all day. Later in the afternoon I find her lying in the nesting box. When I take her out she's closing her lower lids and is acting lethargic. I've been trying to make her drink water with acv, she's in a dark warm room but she's not moving much. I've read on another thread about the possibility of worms or parasites, but I'd like some other opinions given the trauma she endured right before this behavior. Thank you!
She may be hurt. A drake usually has a long penis and chicken hens aren't built to take one since roosters breed by touching their vents together in a 'kiss'. Let's hope he didn't do some internal damage to her. :(
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She may be hurt. A drake usually has a long penis and chicken hens aren't built to take one since roosters breed by touching their vents together in a 'kiss'. Let's hope he didn't do some internal damage to her. :([/QUO
That's what I'm worried about

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