Is my pekin a he or she?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
This is Dinah, she/he is about 18 weeks and still cheeping. The other two Pekins are clucking and I believe to be girls (or at least hoping!). And the silkie and polish are crowing. Dinah is half the size of the others and has been very slow in developing since hatched. I was wondering if you could give me your opinions on whether she is a male or female as I have no clue!

Yay! I am glad! I already have 2 and probably would have been made to get rid of her :( Do you know why she still cheeps, when all the others have been clucking for over a month now?
Ah so nothing to worry about? She has always been very small, she had a few problems hatching. Thank you for your help! :D
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That is a relief to hear! I would hate to have to get rid of her! Am I right in thinking that my other 2 are girls? (Sorry the pictures are not very clear! :) )

Yay! I can keep them all so long as both my boys behave! D Makes up for the disappointment of my silkie being a cockerel who I desperately wanted to be a girl but I love him to bits and he will always be my favourite!

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