Is my rooster sick?


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
Hi all! I am new to raising chickens (as my handle conveys) and have been doing fairly well for the last five monthes. My hens have started laying and seem perfectly healthy, however, I have a rooster who all of the sudden is acting odd. He isolates himself and seems off balance at times. I isolated him to be careful, but don't know what to think since at times he seems fine, but then he will fall over backwards. Does anyone have any ideas? CN
Could you maybe give us a bit more info, please?
How long has this been going on?
Could he have gotten into moldy feed?
How old is he?
The more info we have, the more we can try to help!
Is he puff up and walk slowly? Lost appetite? Breathing Heavily and kind of smell? Don't wait too long, maybe he's have Cocci or resp. diseases, give him some antibiotic as a start

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