Is my Salmon Faverolle a Rooster?

Dang.  That's what I was afraid of.  There's just the one, in a flock of 8 total.  I'm not sure how that will fly in our suburb (we have about half an acre)... we've always said we would eat any roos, but I'm kinda attached to the little guy.  I am at least a little curious to see if he will be friendly... hmmm...  

If your allowed to have roosters, i would try and keep him first. Once they go threw that akward horny teenager stage and get everything figured out, they are great to have around. They will look for food for the girls, keep an eye out for danger, and find nests for them to lay in (ive had a roo that would sit nest to the hens and coo to them while they laying eggs :rolleyes: ) ;) :D
I guess I have been in denial up to this point, but I am starting to come around on this "girl" not being a girl... we are around 4 months now with this group, and I kept thinking that "she" might just be a color variant (blue or blue-salmon), but I can't really find any pictures of these supposed variants. My guess is that chances are much better that I have a roo... what do y'all think?

You have a young rooster, and is a Salmon. A Blue-Salmon would have the Black replaced by Blue.

Not My Birds


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