Is my Silkie egg bound???


7 Years
May 19, 2012
Jackson, NJ
I have a silkie that is staying in the nesting box all day for the last 3 days. She is about 6 months old. She has been laying eggs for the last couple weeks, however for the last few days she has not. She is not eating or drinking unless i take her out of the box. then i have seen her eatna small amount of food and get a drink. Her vent does not look swollen or red. She is loosing weight and her crop is empty. She doesn't have any other symtoms. I thought she was just broody but she isn't sitting on any eggs. What are the symptoms of egg bound? What should i look for? Please Help...........
  • Lethargic
  • Puffed up and sitting on the cage floor or in the nest box
  • Constant pushing, panting, and trying to lay an egg
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Swollen vent
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Egg can sometime be visible in the went

Broody hens can be broody and not be sitting on eggs. Is she moody, clucking at you, fluffing up, and the other broody symptoms?

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