Is my Weber a drake or hen?


11 Years
May 20, 2008
Glenmont, Ohio
Hi! I'm new to raising ducks and recently hatched 1 ducky out about two weeks ago from some eggs I bought on ebay. The lady I got them from has both rouens and khaki campbells. When Weber hatched out, he/she looked just like a khaki with some lighter markings around it eye that is similar to rouens. I've read that you can tell a drake from a hen by their quack. Mine is not quacking at all...just raspy sounds. BUT, his coloring looks just like a khaki hen. Is it possible for it to be a hen, but just not be quacking yet? I would like to have a hen and drake pair and I need to know which of my newest babies to keep according to what sex Weber is. HELP!

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