Is one rooster and two hens okay as long as the girls wear "aprons"?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
Our small flock has recently gotten smaller and I was wondering if one rooster and two hens will be okay together until I can get some new chicks in the Spring. I plan to buy the girls hen "aprons" this week. The rooster is 17 weeks old, as is one of the hens; the other hen is 14 weeks old. I'm just concerned about him being too much for them to handle once his hormones really kick in. So far, he hasn't been too bad, but I do hear some squawks now and then from one of the hens and she doesn't sound very happy. Anyone have any advice? Thanks so much.
Do the hens have somewhere to get away from the roo? Or something they could get under so he can't mount them? That would help the most, I think. You'll just have to watch the hens and see how they do, keeping in mind the roo might have to go or be seperated.

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