Is partridge feathering barred?


5 Years
Mar 16, 2019
Altoona, IA
Hello, I'm thinking about trying to breed black sexlink Cochins with a red roo and barred hen. I would like to get partridge and birchen hens, would either of these breed sexlinks?
Partridge and birchen are not barred or laced.
The only way to get “barred sex link” Cochins is by getting barred hens.
The OP is using a barred hen. Are partridge not double laced?
What form of partridge are we talking? Pencilled, or Partridge Brown?

Hello, I'm thinking about trying to breed black sexlink Cochins with a red roo and barred hen. I would like to get partridge and birchen hens, would either of these breed sexlinks?
If you get Silver, & Gold Birchens, you maybe able to do a Sex-linked Birchen type bird.
If you breed a Gold Rooster to Silver hen, you should get gold/silver split boys, & gold girls.

Or you can breed Silver male to gold female, & get Gold/silver split boys, & Silver girls.

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