Is Red Lake Earth right DE?

I received this email from RLE this morning. I was trying to find out if it was feed safe for my new chickens. Besides the email they also call me and left a message.

Rest assured Red Lake Earth is completely safe.
It is OMRI-listed feed grade diatomaceous earth containing 36 trace minerals & a hint of Montmoriillinite which is a known binder of mycotoxins or mold.

FEED: RLE is a natural feed thru fly control for all animals. The diatoms under 500 X magnification look like broken shards of glass. Please keep in mind when a jeweler looks at a diamond he/she is utilizing a mere 10 loop. So these sharp edges are very teeny. The edges knick the fly larvae & their jelly-like eggs they drain & they die.
Mushroom farmers use RLE in their (you know what) growing mix to prevent the larva eating their mushrooms.

Unfortunately, animals receive lower grade goods in their feed & Mother Nature's weather can be a factor in how much mycotoxins are in them.
All corn, silages, hay, straw, beet pulp etc contain some mycotoxins.

Montmorillinite is the leading pharmaceutical ingredient in scour treatments for animals. Montmotillinite is a non-swelling clay. Think Milk of Magnesia, it is clay for flu like symptoms in humans. People, as well as, animals die from the quick loss of electrolytes with the flu or scours.

We were able to save a $10,000 show calf the vet had given up on.... in less than a few hours.

TOPICALLY: Diatomaceous earth naturally controls fleas, flies, ants, earwigs roaches, etc. Chickens love to dust in RLE. Want to see something funny pour out a bag of RLE for an emus. Add RLE to all types of bedding, under dog pillows or straw in stalls & dog houses, bird houses for lice etc.

I eat a teaspoon of Red Lake Earth on yogurt or chunky applesauce. Should the USA ever receive the Asian Flu pandemic they predict, I will be eating much more Red Lake Earth. Red Lake Earth may help someone with food poisoning symptoms.

Please let me know if we maybe of further help to you.

xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
National Sales & Training Director

I am going to give it a try. It is a lot cheaper than perma guard and I can find it locally without paying shipping costs. I will let you know how it works over the next few weeks.
I have been using the red lake for about a month. got it for 24.50 at my local blue seal feeds. Put it in feed and all over coop and run. No bugs, no smell and chickens are all alive. Just wanted to let you know that it is fine.
I found this today at my local feed store for $19.99 for 40# bag.
Could you tell me how much you add to the feed for feeding your chickens?
Do you dust the whole bird in it also?
When using in coop how much do you use? My coop has a dirt floor with wood chips on top. Of course it looks more dirt than woodchips thanks to the silkies kicking up everything.
I mix a light dusting on the feed as I dump it into the feed bin. It's just coated lightly. Don't need much.

I put it in the wood shavings in the coop and nesting boxes.

I also spread it over their favorite dusting areas.

I usually only directly treat the bird if I think they might have mites....I usually dust all new incoming birds.

I've also mixed it with orange oil and "painted" the inside of one of my coops....
I don't know why this is listed under ''the wrong stuff''. From the comments above it seems like it has been good for all using it here. I got it for $22 for 40lbs today at my feed and seed store. It also has calcium bentonite in it, and is listed as a caking agent. I don't have any chickens yet, still living in military housing, but got it for my cat and dog to try and keep the fleas in check.

I thought this was a rather interesting article.Red Lake Earth(R) (RLE(R)) Improves Broiler Performance
My local feed store just ordered this for me. I repeated (at least 3x & got confirmation) that what they were ordering was "Food Grade DE".

What I got is "Red Lake Earth DE" with Calcium bentonite and ash? It says it is for animal feed, an anti caking/pellet agent and not to use more than 2% volume in feed?

Is this going to work? I'm not going to eat it, but should I have refused it b/c it isn't Codex food grade on the bag?
I purchased a 25# bag about a week ago. I now have 2 rabbits, a rooster and my favorite hen all dead. The ONLY thing I have done different is add a little RLE to their feed and bedding to control odor and pests!

I returned the unused portion of the bag with little or no problem and ordering pure DE -Perma-Guard. Just wanted to share with those making the decision. I have used Perma-guard but due to convience and cost and what I had read ... I thought RLE would be fine.
But wasnt true for us.

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