Is separating roosters necessary?

The Owens

In the Brooder
Oct 29, 2018
I’m new to raising chickens! We bought 4 baby chicks at TSC that we’re suppose to be pullets. They are now 15 weeks and appears that we ended up with 2 hens and 2 roo’s. My question is this, is it necessary to separate the roo’s?..we are very attached already and don’t want to get rid of one of them. Thanks
No if they are raised together they are a lot less likely to fight as much as random roosters. They should be fine and might scuffle a little when they are maturing but Ive had 2 roosters pinned with 1 hen before and they all were best friends!
No if they are raised together they are a lot less likely to fight as much as random roosters. They should be fine and might scuffle a little when they are maturing but Ive had 2 roosters pinned with 1 hen before and they all were best friends!
Thank you! We were afraid that we were going to need to separate at least.
No you don't need to separate. Especially since they have been raised together. Your hens will be miserable though. Two hens is not enough for one Roo. We have 18 hens and two Roos. You can tell which ones are the Roos favorites. We have an up and coming cockerel from the last hatch 10 weeks ago. I see more hens in our future just to keep everyone happy.
No you don't need to separate. Especially since they have been raised together. Your hens will be miserable though. Two hens is not enough for one Roo. We have 18 hens and two Roos. You can tell which ones are the Roos favorites. We have an up and coming cockerel from the last hatch 10 weeks ago. I see more hens in our future just to keep everyone happy.
Yes I’m sure that we’ll be increasing our flock but it makes me feel better knowing we can keep all of them together.
I’m new to raising chickens! We bought 4 baby chicks at TSC that we’re suppose to be pullets. They are now 15 weeks and appears that we ended up with 2 hens and 2 roo’s. My question is this, is it necessary to separate the roo’s?..we are very attached already and don’t want to get rid of one of them. Thanks
You will have to see how they behave as they mature. They may fight, or not. They may get along great but torment the pullets to the point that they can't eat, drink or dust bathe in peace. One or both may start becoming aggressive to people. Having a dog crate on hand in case things go bad would be helpful.

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