Is she a little Gamey?


Senora Pollo Loco
14 Years
Sep 4, 2009
I had posted her as a little chick, she was buff fluff at hatch.
Then I waited and posted her when she was 3-weeks old, and she had brownish feathers with very light spangling of a dusty color.
Now, she is 13-weeks. Can anyone tell me what she is? Is she a game, and if so, any idea what color she would fit into?
I think she has a rosecomb, but it isn't really doing much developing at all, but it does have a little pointy thingy at the top of it like my Hamburgs do.
Oh, and she has a little bit of rusty brown around her head, very little, and a light dusty color wash over her breast, and pinkish white legs with a slate wash down the front only.
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Pictures can be deceiving so I am not positive, but if she is black with bright brown or orange feathers around the neck she is a possible brownred. My brown red chicks are black with white at hatch, so she is probably crossed with another color.
I got her as an extra from Sand Hill Preservation. I have gone through EVERY breed they list and she just doesn't fit into any of them. I was so frustrated for a while, but now, I am resigned that she is probably a badly colored something or a mix of something. Real distinct, huh? I love her and I hope she is a good layer of white eggs, but maybe brown since her lobe is looking red still. We shall see on that. She is sweet as can be, considering she is in with a lot of others. Her name is Sweetie. Being an 'oddball' she gets a lot more attention. I think she is beautiful, even if she is a mutt, but maybe I will be surprised more when she matures all the way. Just thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone had any ideas. BTW, except for the comb, I think she does fit well in a Brown Red. Here is another of here as a chick:

Okay 2 pictures:
I already went down the Cubalaya road, and she isn't one. She has a rosecomb, so not a Pheonix. I am still leaning toward some kind of game, but I don't know.

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